Polar Bear AR in TSQ | Snapchat
We were asked to create a Times Square AR idea. We partnered with Snapchat to bring our dance crew of polar bears to life around TSQ and flooded the area with snapcodes on OOH. OOH, Snapchat AR
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Animation
Coke X Twitch
We partnered with Twitch to create ads just for gamers. We turned our ads into a game with buried clues and rewarded those true gamers/fans that followed along. Nothing to see here.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Advertising
DIY Goals
What better way to show how to score DIY goals than with Mexican Team Legends Jared Borgetti and Oribe Peralta. Using their iconic goal celebrations, we showed how anyone can get things done with The Home Depot.
Creative Direction, Art Direction
LeBron X Sprite
Sprite wanted to show some love for LeBron, his upcoming season, and congratulate him on his big move to LA. We took over every digital board in LA LIVE and all of Sprite's social channels to be the King's colors for his first game. We created purple and gold cans for influencers and planned realtime post for his big debut. LBJ himself thought it was "dope" too. Purple and gold–fit for a king. OOH, Social
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Illustration
Retool Your School
The Home Depot Retool Your School Program is committed to championing HBCUs and this year we powered up our grants by double and quadrupled our total commitment in addition to partnering with over 36 HBCUs to upgrade their campuses. We also branded this program with new design work, logos, animations, and a legit marching band beat to bring it all together.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Branding
Coca-Cola Holiday AR + Cinnamon Launch
We had the opportunity to create Coke's first large scale AR activation. We brought the magic of our bears' home to everyone during the holidays including games, music, and fun at the tap of a finger. We also helped launch Coke Cinnamon at a unique Target Wonderland event in NYC complete with sampling, AR fun, and a surprise visit from our cuddly polar bear.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, AR/VR
Refresh the Feed
Coca-Cola wanted to share some love and help spread good vibes around the world. We teamed up with the Social Center to help design, animate, and bring to life this idea with over 93 posts on no other day but World Kindness Day. We also used our iconic Times Square billboard to let everyone know about our 'Refresh the Feed' initiative. Social, OOH, Print, Apparel
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics
World of Coca-Cola Campaign
The World of Coca-Cola needed to differentiate themselves from the Coke brand. So we created new photography and illustrations and pushed out content to showcase the moments of ahh that are housed within The WOCC. We targeted Spring Break, Summer, & Winter Holiday to entice our audience to come Discover a World of Ahhs. OOH, Print, Digital, & Social.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Branding
Instagram Filters
Fun social filters made with Spark AR.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Graphic Design
Genexa Social Campaign
Genexa, a clean medicine company, wanted to show off the simple ingredients they have in their medicine. So we launched an Un-fun Fact campaign that showed what's inside.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics
Coca-Cola 600 Memorial Day Weekend Race
For the Coca-Cola 600, we designed Austin Dillon's #3 car complete with a new mark to commemorate Memorial Day that was also used in OOH and Social.
Art Direction, Branding, Graphic Design
Sip & Scan Holiday
Our task was to use Coca-Cola's sip & scan platform to create habitual scanning during the holidays. We created quality time games that used a group call and response device which progressed rounds per scan and brought the fun to a portfolio of twelve brands.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Graphic Design
LBJ Lymonade + Social
The King makes a splash with Lymonade.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Illustration
Google Refresh Coolers
We had the opportunity to keep Googlers refreshed in their new headquarters. We were asked to keep the advertising to a minimum so we showcased our portfolio in a new way with the help of our friend Harry, our tiniest employee, and beverage coolers with transparent TV screens for doors. Harry, with the help of motion capture, keeps up with the coolers and gives passersby a nudge to stay refreshed. It's all in a day's work. POS.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Motion Graphics
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